We are a small family business located in the middle of the lower peninsula of Michigan. 
Duane aka Tat, Kerri aka Mama, and our daughter Ellie, complete our artists.
The Chaos Coordinator ~ Artist Duane aka Tat ~ Tat creates amazing pieces of art using alcohol inks, mica powders, glow powders, epoxy resin, and more.
Ellie Rose Designz ~ Artist Ellie ~ Ellie creates gorgeous pieces of art using, alcohol inks, mica powders, glow powders, epoxy resin, vinyl, glitter, and more.
Mama Chaos ~ Artist Kerri aka Mama ~ Mama creates beautiful pieces of art using, glitters, vinyl, foils, sublimation, and decals. Mama is also an amazing graphic designer, creating templates for tumblers, stickers, t-shirt designs, logos, and more.